Join long-time orchardist Rikardo Jahnke to learn how to start your own orchard.
Topics covered in the class will include:
-Getting ready and planning,
-Siting and layout considerations
-Buying trees vs. grafting your own
-Apple varietal selection
-Pears, plums
-Small fruits (raspberries, grapes, currants, blueberries, etc.)
-First, second, and third years in the orchard
-Equipment and tools
-Deer, insect, and disease control
-Harvest, Putting By, and Marketing
This will be a fully interactive workshop - the direction of the discussion will depend on the preferences of those attending. Half the class will be presentation with Q+A, half will be a tour and Q+A in the orchard.
Date: Saturday, May 18
Time: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Age: Adults only
Location: Rural Gays Mills, WI
Materials Fee: $1
Level: Beginner
Instructions: Participants need to be in physical shape to hike 1/3 mi uphill to the orchard site, and dress for weather conditions - especially boots if the weather has been wet.
Sliding Scale Course Fee Guidelines (not including Materials Fees)
Supporter Level Ticket: $115
Sustainer Level Ticket: $90
Supported Level Ticket: $65
Instructor Bio - Rikardo Jahnke
Rikardo has been orcharding since 1996, and grafting longer than that. He has been selling apples, berries, cider, jams, and other value-added products at the Viroqua Farmer’s Market since 2000. He gets great joy from satisfied customers who are “fruit explorers.” He grows 53 varieties of apples. Rikardo lives in Crawford County, WI at the Dancing Waters Permaculture Co-operative, an intentional community that has existed for almost 40 years.