Give Where You Live 2025: Viroqua Co+op Vote!
Give Where You Live 2025 - Vote 11/8 - 11/18!
Happy November Driftless Folk School Community,
We are excitedly reaching out to you with a great opportunity to help support the work of the Folk School with just a few clicks of a button. As an added bonus you can help other local community organizations at the same time.
How can you do this so simply you wonder?! Well let me tell you, Viroqua Food Co-op's “Give Where You Live” program! Now (Nov 8th) through November 18th you can vote for some of your favorite local non-profit organizations. The top eleven organizations will each be assigned one month of the year to receive the "round ups". And boy does it add up! Averaging over four thousand dollars in the typical month and over 50 thousand dollars to our community over the course of the year!! Wow! What a generous community we live in, and how blessed we would be to be one of these recipient organizations. So click the link, vote for the Driftless Folk School and some other organizations that peak your interest!
Give Where You Live is a co-op owner-powered giving program. Recipient organizations are local 501(c)(3) non-profits or schools that are nominated each October and elected by co-op owners each November. The eleven organizations with the most votes become the Give Where You Live recipients for the following year. Funds are collected through register round ups, 1% Wednesday sales, and collection boxes for cash donations at the cash register. Last year our total donations through Give Where You Live exceeded $54,000.