In this class we will work with a different interlocking method (claimed to be Russian) that allows for larger birch boxes.
This will require more layout and care in cutting out the bark pattern and also more work in the carving of the dry wood bases and tops, and time permitting, knobs. For this reason the Basic Bark Box class is prerequisite for this day, either the day prior or if it has been taken in past years (also adequate is experience as a serious carver of spoons or figures). It will be take a more serious mood to complete this in our day, but be not deceived, fun will be had regardless.
Date: Sunday, April 3, 2022
Registration deadline: 3/23/22
Time: 9AM - 4:30PM
Age: 16+
Location: Instructor's home
Sliding Scale Course Fees:
Supporter: $110
Sustainer: $85
Supported: $60
Materials Fee: $30